While quarantine generally has been an extremely challenging experience trying to wrangle two young children among various societal restrictions, I've tried to focus on the positive by expanding my creativity. As we begin our journey into the new year, we are excited to announce a refresh of the look here at Urban Cookery. For the last few weeks my extremely talented husband has been working to give this site a newer, cleaner, faster, and more modern look. You will notice a number of improvements across the site. Perhaps most importantly there are no more ads! While most food bloggers earn their revenue on an ad supported model (Urban Cookery included), we ultimately felt that the current landscape of blog ads has become far too spammy for our liking. We would rather cultivate an actual relationship with our viewers and (hopefully) encourage repeat visits. To that end, if you like what you see, please sign up for our mailing list. We never spam. It's just a way for us to get to know our loyal readers better and feature recipes or posts that YOU want to see! As always, feel free to send any feedback directly to me. We hope you love what you see!